Condiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - Amy Butler Design - 30-03-2016

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Condiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - Amy Butler Design - 30-03-2016
Here is another great image from my Eternal Sunshine photo shoot last week. These lovely bags are the Stash Pouches from my upcoming Piece Keeping book. #amybutler #abpiecekeeping #abeternalsunshine #iamafreespirit XO ~ACommenta su facebookCondiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - Amy Butler Design - 30-03-2016
Here is another great image from my Eternal Sunshine photo shoot last week. These lovely bags are the Stash Pouches from my upcoming Piece Keeping book. #amybutler #abpiecekeeping #abeternalsunshine #iamafreespirit XO ~ACommenta su facebook
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