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Condiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - M11shop - 26-11-2020

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Condiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - M11shop - 26-11-2020
Josefine K. creates ecological #earings and #jewelry on the bank of a channel in France from plastic pieces returned from #seawater . Truly and totally unique very strong and long-lasting. Find out on @m11shopdesign . #m11shop #ecommerce #shop #recycle #recycled #jewels #handcraftedjewelry #handmade #unique #ecologia #ecological @mogastudio

Commenta su facebookCondiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - M11shop - 26-11-2020
Josefine K. creates ecological #earings and #jewelry on the bank of a channel in France from plastic pieces returned from #seawater . Truly and totally unique very strong and long-lasting. Find out on @m11shopdesign . #m11shop #ecommerce #shop #recycle #recycled #jewels #handcraftedjewelry #handmade #unique #ecologia #ecological @mogastudio

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